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    The Voice of God Is Dead   

    From AJR,   April/May 2012

    It's past time for news outlets to lose the rigid, formulaic approach to newswriting.

    But figuring out the boundaries can be tricky. Wed., April 4, 2012.

    By Jena Heath
    Jena Heath ( spent 17 years as a newspaper reporter and editor. In 2008, she joined the faculty at St.

    Edward's University in Austin, where she is an assistant professor of English Writing and Rhetoric-Journalism and faculty adviser to the student newspaper     

    Long ago, a legendary professor terrorized my classmates and me until we could write a news story as it was meant to be written-supremely detached in tone and shaped into something called the inverted pyramid.

    Melvin Mencher stood just at 5 feet, spoke in a nasal bark and not infrequently offered us tickets to the symphony and scoldings when we drank too much or failed to eat enough leafy greens.

    From 1988