Louis grech ministry of labour

  • Louis grech ministry of labour
  • Louis grech ministry of labour

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    Former minister states that Louis Grech’s 56K is news to him

    Matthew Vella

    The same minister who was responsible for Air Malta in the years between 1998 and 2003, told MaltaToday it was "news" for him to see a corporate communications coordinator from Austin Gatt’s Ministry citing Lm55,933 as the yearly remuneration of Louis Grech, Air Malta chairman, for the year 2002 to 2003.
    Speaking to MaltaToday, Prof Josef Bonnici said he had no reason to doubt Louis Grech’s own claims about his wage packet, in which he has declared he earned a gross wage of around Lm23,000.

    Bonnici had kept Louis Grech as Air Malta chairman when the Nationalists were returned to Parliament in 1998. Louis Grech who is standing as a labour candidate in the next European Parliament elections had been appointed chairman of the national airline by Alfred Sant, replacing Joseph N.

    Manuel Delia, corporate communications coordinator at the Ministry o