Catholic saint born in september

  • Catholic saint born in september
  • Catholic saint born in september

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  • September
  • Saints of September - List of Saint Feast Days for the Month ...
  • September 3 saint feast day
  • What is the month of september dedicated to in the catholic church
  • Saints of September - List of Saint Feast Days for the Month ....

    Mary Our Help


    Saints and Feast days in September


    03 September
    St Gregory the Great, Pope, Doctor of the Church

    Born about 540; died in Rome in 604.

    While prefect of Rome, he founded monasteries there and in Sicily and himself became a monk. Called to be a deacon of Rome by Benedict I, and then sent as papal legate to Constantinople.


    Elected pope in 590. Reorganised Church life and administration in a time of crisis, sponsored liturgical reform, and initiated the evangelisation of the English. Known also for his extensive writings on pastoral care, spirituality, and morals, and for his self-designation as “servant of the servants of God.”

    04 September
    St Mac Nissi, Bishop

    Oengus Mac Nissi took his name from his mother Cnes or Ness.

    It is claimed that Patrick baptised him and taught him the psalms.

    September 3 saint feast day

    He seems to be one of the early converts. He chose the district of Connor for his hermitage, but later became bishop of his clan. He died early in th