Doryphore agriculture biography
Doryphore agriculture biography in english!
Doryphore agriculture biography
The verb elope means to run away secretly in order to get married. (It seems to be etymologically related to leap and to the Dutch and German verbs lopen and laufen, meaning to walk, to go, to run.)
The Anglo-Norman form aloper was originally a legal term meaning, of a wife, to run away from her husband with a paramour.
For example, the Year Books of the Reign of King Edward III contain, for the year 1338:
En bref de dower plede fut qil [= ele] alopa de soun baroun en tiel ville en tiel counte, nient recounseil en la vie soun baroun, jugement &c.
— Avant issue parle fut dount pais vendra, qe lalopement fuit alegge en autre counte qe la dowere ne fut demande.
In a writ of Dower it was pleaded that she eloped from her husband in such a vill in such a county and was not reconciled during the life of her husband; judgment &c.— Before issue it was debated whence the Jury should come, for the elopement was alleged in a