Mr justice dermot kinlen biography

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    "Mr Justice Dermot Kinlen", The Times

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    6th August 2007

    When Dermot Kinlen, just retired as a judge of the Irish High Court, was appointed the country's first Inspector of Prisons in 2002 it was, he felt, the expectation that he would not do any real work.

    He confounded such expectations by a succession of reports calling attention to the deplorable state of the country's prisons and the poor administration of the prison service.

    Mr justice dermot kinlen biography

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  • Most of the prisons date from pre-independence days and have not been modernised. The primitive practice of slopping out is still to be found in some of them. Drugs and bullying, especially of foreign nationals, are rampant.

    Mental care and rehabilitation courses are hopelessly inadequate.

    All this was highlighted and condemned by Kinlen. Eschewing the normal careful style of official reports, which he regarded as a turn-off, he rejoiced in the colourful and provocative, sometimes at the cost of to