The apostle philip biography channel
Facts about the apostle philip.
The Apostle Philip Biography, Life and Death
If you ask many Christians what they know about the Apostle Philip, most often they will describe the time when he witnessed to the Ethiopian eunuch in Acts But, if you take a closer look, you will find that the Apostle Philip had a large role in the ministry of Jesus and the days following Jesus’ ascension into heaven.
The apostle philip biography channel
For this reason, a look at the biography of the life and death of the Apostle Philip can teach us many things.
Who was Philip?
We first see Philip mentioned in John the day after Andrew and his brother Peter first started following Jesus.
Jesus was in Galilee when he found Philip and said unto him, “Follow Me.” Philip was from Bethsaida, the same hometown as Andrew and Peter (John ). It is interesting to note that the very next thing we learn about Philip is that as soon as Jesus called Philip to follow Him, he found a man by the name of Nathaniel and told him, “We have found him, of whom Moses in the law, and th